
Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Pakistani Hackers Hacked More Than 4000 Indian Websites As Revenge Against Indian Hackers

4000+ Indian websites were hacked and defaced on Tuesday. A few groups going by the name of ‘Pakistan Haxor Crew, The Rebelz, Pak Cyber Ghosts and ZCompany Hacking Crew’ claimed responsibility for the breaches, saying it was retaliation for Pakistan’s GOV websites being hacked by an Indian crew on Monday.

Hackers defaced the websites, removing the content and replacing it with a text message and PAKISTAN FLAG on a black background. Hackers claimed their mass hack was in retribution for an Indian team known as "LulzSec India" defacing 30 Pakistani Government websites on Monday.

Certainly Indians won’t stay quite after this obviously, talking to some hackers they said Indians are using shells provided by Bangladeshi hackers sort of left over stuff, however more attacks are expected from both sides after Post Independence day reaction from Pakistan has shook the cyberspace of India on there independence day.

ZHC hacked, defaced page shows Pakistani Flag and in the background Pakistani National Anthem definitely Indian wouldn’t like it specially on their independence day while they are celebrating on streets Pakistani hackers are wiping them off from cyber space.


Recent attacks started when Indian hackers defaced Pakistani sites on 14th August Pakistan’s Independence day, Pakistani hackers couldn’t hold back and they started bashing indian official, commercial, educational website even till extend that is now officially defaced.

Complete list of defaced websites:

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